Who Made Me a Princess Wiki


After Penelope Judith died giving birth to Jennette Margarita, Roger deduced from the young child's eyes that she was the daughter of Claude de Alger Obelia, the current emperor and Penelope's former fiancée. Roger saw this as an opportunity to advance his political influence, and decided to take Jennette in as his ward.[1]

The Lovely Princess[]

Roger Alpheus secretly raised Jennette in the House of Alpheus, under the impression that she was the daughter of the current emperor.[1] When Jennette reached the age of 14, Roger publicly revealed her imperial bloodline and jeweled eyes to Claude at the annual debutante ball.[2] After Claude accepted her as his daughter and an official princess of Obelia, Roger successfully wed his son, Ijekiel, to Jennette, establishing a direct connection between the House of Alpheus and the imperial family.[1]


Season 1[]

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Roger introduces himself to Athanasia

Roger crosses paths with Athanasia and Felix on their way to visit Claude. Aware that he is a power-hungry noble, Athanasia treats him like a pet to spite him and nicknames him 'Mr White' because he bears semblance to a white dog. Roger comments she is truly an adorable princess. Athanasia and Felix both bid him goodbye and they part ways.[3] The next time they meet, Roger corrects her with his full name after she refers to him by the nickname again. In an attempt to forge a connection to the royal family, Roger suggests acquainting her to his son under the guise of concern for her loneliness. When she rejects the offer, Roger offers to introduce a female friend close to her in age. He further elaborates he is taking care of the daughter of his cousin who is recuperating in the countryside. Athanasia declares she doesn’t want a friend more stupid than herself. When Roger tries to assure her the child is quite bright, Athanasia demonstrates her intellectual prowess by listing various social theories and recites verses in several different languages. Flummoxed, Roger accedes that he heard the princess was intelligent but the rumours did not do her justice.[4]

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Roger asks Athanasia if she is lonely without a friend her age

Later, Roger discovers Ijekiel in the garden alone, unaware of Athanasia’s lingering presence. Ijekiel claims that he is looking for Jennette, Roger reminds him not to adhere to all her tantrums and while she is the Alpheus prized treasure, he is the most important.[5] Roger visits Athanasia after hearing she recently recovered from an illness and informs her he heard the magician was chosen as her playmate over his son. Athanasia states she can’t be friends with Jennette or his son since she’s a little behind in the language of Arlantan. He clarifies his son is fluent therefore he can help with her studies but Athanasia cuts over him, exclaiming she’ll study hard too for when he returns. They part ways before Roger can finish talking.[6]

Several years later, Roger and a now more grown up Athanasia meet again. He mentions her upcoming debutante ball and curiously inquires who her escort will be. In response, Athanasia explains her father will be escorting her which leaves Roger bewildered at how close their relationship is. He suggests his son as an escort as he is returning from studying abroad at Arlanta.[7] Athanasia informs him since he mentions his son so much, she looks forward to meeting him at the ball.[8] At the ball, a mysterious black haired man approaches Roger and discusses with him in secret.[9]

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A mysterious dark haired stranger approaches Roger at the debutante

Roger greets Claude and mentions the entire ballroom is buzzing with talks of the emperor escorting his daughter on her special day. He further adds if Claude had more children, he would surely cherish them the same. Claude dismisses it as useless speculation. Roger mentions his ward is dancing with the princess and requests to introduce her to him. Amused, Claude remarks he always thought it was out of character for Roger to raise another child as his own. In turn, Roger replies young girls of her age are as fragile as glass so there is a limit to how much an adult can tend to them. As Athanasia has no friends her age, she must be lonely even if she doesn’t show it. Mulling over Roger's words, Claude ends their conversation.[10] After the ball, Roger chastises Jennette for approaching Claude without a plan in mind. As he recalls his conversation with Claude and the mysterious black haired man, Roger finds his situation becoming more and more convoluted.[11]

Season 2[]

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Ijekiel is growing independent from his father

At Claude’s birthday banquet, Roger and Ijekiel watch from the crowd in shock as Claude publicly renounces Athanasia as his daughter.[12] He reprimands his son for pursuing Athanasia as he could have risked angering the emperor. Ijekiel declares he will no longer be following his father’s every order if it means upsetting Athanasia who he has grown to care for. Discontent with his son’s growing independence, Roger realises that parents can’t fully control their children forever.[13] Following Rosalia’s death, Roger forbids Jennette from attending her aunt’s funeral, he and Ijekiel attend in her stead.[14] Some time pass, the mysterious black haired stranger and Roger get into a heated dispute within his library. He reprimands the man for going into town after refraining him from going out. Overhearing their dispute, Jennette makes her way over to them.[15]

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Anastacius’ existence puts Roger’s plan in jeopardy

Roger introduces the man as an acquaintance who will be temporarily sojourning in their home. He suggests she should head back to her room as she is still in her pyjamas. Anastacius explains he doesn’t plan to reveal his identity to Jennette anytime soon but Roger replies there is no doubt his appearance would constantly remind Jennette of Claude. He shows offence when the black haired man derides his plan. Roger recollects his first encounter with the man back at the ball. Startled that the allegedly deceased former emperor is still alive, Anastacius thanks him for taking care of his daughter all this time. Now faced with an unpredictable obstacle to his plans, Roger contemplates removing him. His thoughts are interrupted by Anastacius comparing him to the tea he’s drinking and the latter feigns not understanding. A few days later, Roger calls Jennette into his office where he informs her he’ll be taking her to the palace in Ijekiel’s stead for some official business.[16] After their return, Roger commends Jennette’s discovery of the unconscious emperor as she was now granted an audience with him. Roger realises Athanasia’s empty spot creates a golden opportunity for Jennette to grow close with the Emperor.[17]

Anastacius and Roger 02

Roger questions why Anastacius is losing his temper with a child

After warning Anastacius to refrain from getting too close to Jennette, Anastacius states he is working hard to clean up his mess but Roger shows exasperation at Anastacius’ vulgar use of language. Then, Anastacius instructs him to focus Jennette’s interest on Claude and naturally she will lose interest in him. Roger decides to overlook it for now.[18] He informs Jennette she has another meeting with the emperor. Apprehensive with how smoothly his plans seem to be going, he hopes the emperor will treasure Jennette so with his protection, he can remove Anastacius with ease.[19] After some meetings between Claude and Jennette, Roger notes Claude’s lack of interest in Jennette meant she was yet to truly win him over.[20] Later, Roger intervenes in between Anastacius and Jennette’s conversation. After dismissing her from the room, Roger inquires why he is losing his temper with a child. As soon as Anastacius asks since when did he come in, Roger speculates Anastacius is yet to fully recover his magic.[21]

Some time later, Roger, Anastacius and Jennette have tea together. Jennette informs them of Athanasia’s wellbeing and the return of the imperial magician. After she leaves, there is a thick silence between them. Anastacius mentions nonchalantly he had a plan while Athanasia was roaming the Alpheus household but he didn’t expect her to return to the palace so soon. Roger expresses shock that Athanasia was secretly residing in his household with Ijekiel and Jennette’s knowledge, keeping it a secret behind his back. With the princess home, Roger questions how Jennette will win Claude’s affection.[22]

Season 3[]

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Roger resists Anastacius’ attempt to brainwash him

In his office, Anastacius preps Roger to infiltrate the palace as he sent a curse through Jennette which will instigate Claude’s death. Taken aback by Anastacius sudden assassination attempt, Roger repudiates his plan, questioning why he chose to do it now when no one will believe his indisputable return from the dead. Anastacius proclaims the assimilation was not yet complete back then but Roger refuses to be an accomplice to a treasonous act. With the duke unwilling to turn his back on the royal family, the former emperor thanks him for his service and brainwashes him.[23] However, Roger retaliates by throwing a magical imbued ink pot at Anastacius, but despite his resistance, Aeternitas takes over and succeeds in brainwashing him. Following their confrontation, Ijekiel reports there is an informant spreading rumours about the emperor’s debilitating health amongst high society, unaware his father is the culprit behind it. Glossing over the topic, Roger informs his son to not worry about such a thing. Before leaving his office, Ijekiel inquires if he wants to fill his empty teacup with plenty of rum, just how he likes it to which he agrees, even though in reality, Roger never drinks rum especially during work hours. As he continues writing in his office, Roger suffers from a nosebleed.[24]

Athanasia later calls for a meeting with the heads of the noble houses which Roger attends alongside Anastacius who stands behind him disguised as his aide.[25] Under Anastacius' control, Roger challenges Athanasia's authority by relentlessly inquiring about Claude's health and speculating about Claude's usage of black magic. Roger watches as Anastacius removes his disguise, revealing his true identity to the nobles.[26]



Royalty Athanasia de Alger ObeliaClaude de Alger ObeliaAnastacius de Alger ObeliaJennette MargaritaAeternitas de Alger ObeliaKyilum de Alger ObeliaEmpress
Nobility Ijekiel AlpheusRoger AlpheusFelix RobaneLilian YorkPenelope JudithRosalia
Magicians LucasLucas's Instructor
Commoners DianaHannahCesRavenClaude’s mother