Who Made Me a Princess Wiki

Raven is a supporting character of Who Made Me a Princess and a divine beast born from Athanasia's excessive mana.


Raven has black fur with a few blue streaks. As a baby, Raven had black eyes, but when he is fully grown, they turn yellow.


As a beast born from Athanasia’s excessive mana, Raven’s personality heavily mirrors Athanasia’s own personality and tendencies, his jittery, high-strung behaviour and obsession with chocolate stems from Athanasia’s desire to escape the palace and her love for chocolate.[2] Raven squirms incessantly in Lucas’s grip due to Athanasia’s initial dislike of him. Raven exhibits basic level understanding of simple orders, easily obeying Athanasia’s commands at her tea party when she asked him to sit down and roll over. Fiercely loyal to his owner, Raven remained by Athanasia‘s side until the end as he was re-absorbed into her soul when she passed out into a coma.[1]


List of Appearances[]




Royalty Athanasia de Alger ObeliaClaude de Alger ObeliaAnastacius de Alger ObeliaJennette MargaritaAeternitas de Alger ObeliaKyilum de Alger ObeliaEmpress
Nobility Ijekiel AlpheusRoger AlpheusFelix RobaneLilian YorkPenelope JudithRosalia
Magicians LucasLucas's Instructor
Commoners DianaHannahCesRavenClaude’s mother
Season 1 01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546
Season 2 4748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767779798081
Season 3 828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125