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He used to live in the Tower with a silver-haired man, this man told Lucas he would live a lonely life. From time to time, he has to travel to another dimension to find the World Tree and its fruit to replenish his mana. In the first episodes of the manwha, Lily is reading a historical story to baby Athanasia, in which the Magician from the Tower is depicted as a powerful man capable to destroy an empire in just one day. This is why the magician froze his heart, so he could always make rational decisions.


Season 1[]

Lucas wakes up from his deep slumber after the princess accidentally grabbed his hair while chasing Blackie, he picks up the intruding beast inquiring if the animal belongs to her and he makes Athanasia invisible when Felix comes looking for her. He further indulges the young girl’s excitement by conjuring up several bubbles making her very excited, unknowing to her he is in fact attempting to kill her using the bubbles. As Athanasia struggles to breathe, Blackie makes the bubbles disappear and Lucas grows irritated with him for getting in his way. Athanasia realises Lucas isn’t the owner of the pet and Lucas is surprised to find Athanasia has never met a magician or sacred beast before. Recognizing her as the descendant of the royal bloodline due to her jewel eyes, he begins listing the name of the previous emperors who passed long ago inquiring if she is the daughter of them, finding out he slept longer than expected. Athanasia corrects him saying her father is Claude and Lucas laughs, wondering if he slept through a revolution. He grabs her face and stares at her, commenting she is interesting and he never seen anything like her. Lucas explains Blackie was born due to Athanasia’s excessive mana, Athanasia thanks him after learning she has the potential to be a powerful sorcerer but he snatches Blackie from her to eat him. He strikes up a deal, letting her have Blackie again since he found her likable and in return he will take something small and insignificant from her. He introduces his name again, telling her to remember the next time they meet and he disappears.[1]

Lucas 17

Lucas wakes up from his deep slumber

The next time they meet, Lucas saves Athanasia’s life as her heart would have exploded due to her overflowing mana if it wasn’t for him. He taunts her, telling her he was very tempted to eat Blackie. Athanasia tries to complain to Claude but finds Lucas transformed into a form of a child, acting docile and innocent in front of the emperor. He smirks at her as he leaves the room.[2] After some time, the two converse together and she asks why he looks like a child to which he replies in order to save his mana he has to remain in the form of a child. He then tells her he ate some of her mana and informs Claude that the princess and Blackie should reduce the time spent together as the divine beast could be too much for her body to handle so Athanasia tells him to take care of it for her.[3] Later, Lucas is hand chosen to be Athanasia’s playmate much to her dismay, she asks about his age to which he replies it doesn’t matter as they would be growing at the same rate anyway.

Lucas teleports Athanasia to where Ijekiel is after she states she would rather be friends with him rather than Lucas. [4] Upon returning, Athanasia hits him on the head and he is left dumbfounded as no one has hit him before. He promises he won’t do things as he likes anymore, reminding her he is a powerful sorcerer who could destroy the entire Obelian Empire if he felt like. He notices Athanasia studying, annoyed by his presence the latter tells him to make better use of his time by reading history books but Lucas dismisses them as books full of lies, particularly the parts written about the magician of the tower. Later, Athanasia tells Lucas to send her back to where Ijekiel was and he quickly agrees, asking how and when she would like to be sent. Surprised at his sudden docile nature, Athanasia ponders if her punch paid off. Before sending her off, he disguises her jewel blue eyes with red ones to hide her true identity. Curious to see who she wanted to be friends with so bad, he appears behind her inquiring who the chimera is.[5] He then teleports them both to the gardens where Jennette and Ijekiel are, making themselves invisible as to not be seen. He detects Jennette’s mana waves are not pure and he is surprised to see that Athanasia is not shocked she has the same jewel eyes as her. Eventually, he teleports them back to the palace. Lucas remarks that Athanasia isn’t a child, and Athanasia immediately gets defensive, worried if he found out the truth, he appeases her by saying she was precocious like Ijekiel.[6]

Several years have passed and Lucas cut his hair short. Athanasia discusses about the topic of her debutante ball with him and Lucas states it’s obvious her father wants to dance with her at the ball. Lucas taunts her, what was she studying for if she was only going to be book smart.[7] Lucas refuses to practise dancing with Athanasia so he creates a ghost like doll for her to dance with. He then sends Athanasia away to meet Ijekiel again.[8] Soon after, he brings her back, annoyed at how close the two were getting, and then teleports away to get some alone time.[9] Athanasia catches up to him after Lucas had been avoiding her lately, he pauses for a moment before getting down and tying up her shoe laces, reminding her she isn’t a kid anymore. Although he is very busy, he promises to visit every now and then. Keeping his promise, he visits her at night and Athanasia asks why he is late, Lucas reminds her he is a busy person. [10]

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Athanasia and Blackie cuddle while Lucas watches

The two go outside where Athanasia reunites with Blackie and Lucas watches on while the two play together. Athanasia expresses worries over her debutante but Lucas reassures she will be fine as she practiced until her feet were raw, he nags her to fall asleep and Athanasia ends the day telling him goodnight.[11] Lucas visits Athanasia after her debutante ends, expecting her to be crying, he notices Claude wasn’t the only one who danced with Athanasia and he taps her forehead, secretly flicking away the dark mana that came into contact with her. He forces her into bed and turns on a lullaby to help her sleep, Athanasia is confused as to why he’s being nice to her. She tells Lucas goodnight and he responds in return with a smile. After she falls asleep, Lucas questions to himself if he should leave as he only stuck around because it would be fun. Noting that she would die if he left her with her overflowing mana, he decides to stick around, lifting a bit of Athanasia’s hair and watches as her hair begins to glow.[12]

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Lucas watches over Athanasia

Lucas passes by Athanasia’s tea party and one of the guest asks who he is. He politely introduces himself but upon seeing Athanasia’s unwelcoming glare, he quickly excuses himself, stating he is needed at the tower.[13] Later, Lucas intervenes in Athanasia’s and Ijekiel’s conversation after the latter asks permission to come closer to her. Ijekiel orders Lucas to identify himself but the latter retorts he only takes orders from the emperor and the princess. Athanasia tells them to stop arguing but she takes Lucas’ side and Ijekiel questions if Lucas was chosen as the playmate over him. Ijekiel leaves and Lucas teases Athanasia for secretly reading romance novels, he rebukes the guards for not noticing Ijekiel enter the princess’ private library without permission. The two walk through the gardens together and Lucas switches to his adult form after Athanasia mentions Ijekiel is taller than him. Athanasia quickly demands for him to switch back while hitting him out of fear someone will see. Athanasia makes a note to never bring up Ijekiel around him.[14]

Lucas and Athanasia 01

Lucas and Athanasia hold hands

Lucas takes Athanasia for a day out in the village since she is bored in the palace, the two explore various food stands and dine out in the restaurant. The prices are expensive so Lucas creates money using his magic, Athanasia is against it as counterfeit money is illegal in the empire but reluctantly accepts once Lucas points out she is his accomplice. They overhear Ijekiel and Jennette’s conversation in the same restaurant and Lucas comments on their boring, lukewarm conversation.[15] Once their outing ends, they prepare to teleport back to the palace and Athanasia grabs his hand, Lucas recoils his hand suddenly, flustered but then concedes and upon arriving back, they find a duplicate doll of Athanasia created to cover for her disappearance.

As the two converse, Lucas reminds Athanasia shouldn’t get attached to Blackie since he’s not a living thing but rather a thing that merely exists which would one day disappear. Upset by his statement, Athanasia throws a pillow but he dodges and trips her, he further angers her by calling her ugly in a teasing manner. Lucas informs Athanasia not to get fired up as after today they won’t be able to see each other so easily as he will be going away for a while to find the sacred world tree.[16]

Lucas and Athanasia 02

Lucas tells Athanasia he’s leaving for a while

Before the ending of the first season. Lucas embarks on a mission to find the World Tree to replenish his mana. Athanasia gets a little sad about this, and she even asks him if he could take part of her mana, so he could stay. Lucas jokes about her offer saying that maybe she didn't want him to leave, so she could maintain her mana under control. Athanasia retorts that she never meant that, but she was worried about him because she was her friend. Lucas shakes off her offer and her words, but after he leaves, he's seen savouring each of her words and telling the dead they should mind their own business.[17]

Season 2[]

During his absence, the weather becomes chaotic, having thunderstorms everywhere. It's later shown that this radical changes in the weather were Lucas' fault.[18]When he finally finds the tree, he is upset there are no fruits left for him, so he ends up having a fight with the tree in which he ends up taking a branch.[19]

Lucas and Athanasia 03

Athanasia questions why Lucas took so long to come back

He returns to the Palace and his first stop is to see Athanasia. He interrupts her tea reunion with Jennette. Though, she was surprised at first, Athanasia takes him away and corners him. She tells him some fragments of what happened during his absence, which he tended to repeat to process the information. When he finds out that Claude had "bullied" Athanasia, he asked her if she wanted him to "teach" a lesson to her father, his joyful mood dampened by the news of the emperor’s attempted assassination of his daughter. However, Athanasia whacks him on the head, instructing him to not do anything weird with her dad. The first thing he asks since his arrival is to have Jennette sent away so she takes her leave. Under Athanasia's request, Lucas examines Claude while he is asleep, and tells Athanasia that not only had her father lost his memories, but he is dying as well.[20]

As he examines him, Lucas heals Claude’s body but is unable to recover his memories, he realises Claude is cursed as punishment for tampering with black magic. He informs Athanasia, he keeps Jennette nearby because her presence acts as a stabiliser. Fatigued from his expedition, the two rest in Athanasia’s room where they then discuss the rest of Claude’s predicament. Before he departed for the world tree, most of the black magic surrounding Claude was destroyed but for some reason it is starting to revive itself. He further explains Athanasia’s magic is what reversed Claude’s time into the past, to a time when his black magic was alive. Still in denial, Lucas discloses to the perturbed princess she experienced it once before. With his magic fully recovered, Lucas could now see Athanasia’s past clearly, listing the tragic fate she experienced in her previous life. He recalls his first meeting with her and ponders what will happen to her in the current timeline.[21]

At some point, Athanasia asks Lucas to teach her magic. He's not very good explaining things, but somehow Athanasia can understand what he means and is able to follow his instructions.



Royalty Athanasia de Alger ObeliaClaude de Alger ObeliaAnastacius de Alger ObeliaJennette MargaritaAeternitas de Alger ObeliaKyilum de Alger ObeliaEmpress
Nobility Ijekiel AlpheusRoger AlpheusFelix RobaneLilian YorkPenelope JudithRosalia
Magicians LucasLucas's Instructor
Commoners DianaHannahCesRavenClaude’s mother