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Are you about to ruin a job well down with sentiments again? Or did you forget what your own flesh and blood did to you after you showed him mercy.

—Aeternitas to Anastacius about family.[6]

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia is an antagonist in Season 3 of Who Made Me a Princess, and the former emperor of the Obelian Empire. He is revealed to be the mysterious hooded figure from Anastacius’ past in Episode 82 and he formerly inhabited Anastacius’ body.[5]


As a child, Aeternitas is depicted with unkempt shoulder-length dirty blond hair. Although described as dull in comparison, he also carried the jewel blue eyes passed down through the imperial bloodline. As he grew, his hair gradually became more disheveled, his skin peeling with necrose. Donning a hooded cloak, Aeternitas attempted to conceal his appearance. When possessing control over the body of Anastacuis, his eyes glow a piercing red hue.


Aeternitas is an immoral, conniving man with a blatant disregard for family and human life. Due to his lack of moral principle, Aeternitas is outwardly irked when Anastacius hesitates to kill Claude’s mother. Ultimately, his personality is the result of an incident from his childhood after the renowned magician, whom he revered, humiliated him for being weak. Manipulative to the core, Aeternitas displays tactical knowledge by cleverly orchestrating a series of events. From planting seeds of doubt in Jennette’s mind to making the nobles doubt Athanasia's authority, Aeternitas had skillfully weaseled his way into a political spotlight.



Over 200 years prior to the current timeline, Aeternitas was the son of Kyilum and the official heir to the throne.[4] He was brought to Lucas, the renowned Magician of the Black Tower, to learn magic. Lucas, however, coldly rejected the prospect of teaching Aeternitas, accusing the young boy of having dull eyes and appearing weak.[7] Many years later, Aeternitas was recorded in history as the most powerful magician emperor to exist.[8]


Centuries after his supposed death, Aeternitas conceals his appearance using a cloak and draws a seemingly entranced young Anastacius towards him.[9] Several years later, Aeternitas, in his spiritual form, offers to lend Anastacius his power as he urges him to eliminate Claude’s mother.[10]

At some point, Anastacius recalls Aeternitas’ words rebuking him for letting sentiments get the best of him while chatting about family with Jennette. For a brief moment, Aeternitas replies through Anastacius that Jennette’s family will accept her existence as blood is thicker than water. Surprised, Jennette picks up on Anastacius’ radical personality change as she wonders why his answer suddenly differed from Anastacius’ prior uncertainty about whether true unconditional love is plausible.[6] Some time later, Jennette chats with Anastacius, saddened she was sent away like a stranger when the emperor became injured. While trying to remind Jennette about the noble bloodline, Anastacius recollects Aeternitas’ harsh words again instructing him to get the job done. After Jennette confides her insecurities regarding her lack of magic, Aeternitas responds through Anastacius that if someone is worthy of the throne then the amount of mana one possesses is of little significance. He further elaborates he believes Jennette can become a worthy empress loved by her people.[5] Later, Anastacius attempts to brainwash Roger but due to his hesitation, Roger throws a magical imbued ink pot at them in retaliation, however, the blow in turn allows Aeternitas to freely leave his body. After their confrontation, Aeternitas criticizes Anastacius for not allowing him to brainwash Roger sooner.[11]

Athanasia holds a meeting with the esteemed heads of the noble houses[12] where Anastacius makes his appearance.[13] When she mentions bringing in the royal wizard to dispute the accusations, Aeternitas realizes he must avoid meeting Lucas as he might recognize who ‘he’ is.[14]



Aeternitas was unable to establish a good relationship with Lucas. After seeing the young boy's frail appearance, Lucas questioned Aeternitas's legitimacy as a descendant of the imperial family and refused to teach him magic.[7] Many years after Lucas went into a prolonged, magic-induced sleep, rumors of his relationship with Aeternitas became warped. Lucas, the Magician of the Black Tower, was reportedly enamored with Aeternitas and became his loyal servant. After Aeternitas's death, Lucas allegedly hid his existence in despair.[15]

Anastacius de Alger Obelia

Despite sharing a body, Aeternitas and Anastacius don’t always see eye to eye, often doing the opposite of what the other intends. Most of their interactions consist of Aeternitas reprimanding Anastacius for his lack of focus on the plan. At one point, Aeternitas offers to lend Anastacius his power to finish the job of killing Claude’s mother. However, Anastacius went against his demands, abandoning their objective at the last moment. When Anastacius became preoccupied with his thoughts, Aeternitas briefly took over his body to steer the conversation with Jennette in the direction he intended.

Jennette Margarita

Aeternitas perceives Jennette as a tool to advance his plan. During his conversation with her, he attempts to waver her thoughts and plant seeds of doubt in her mind by suggesting she could become an empress loved by her people. Jennette’s lack of mana reminds Aeternitas of his own past with Lucas, at one point telling her the throne is not defined by the amount of magic an individual possesses.

Athanasia de Alger Obelia

Aeternitas indirectly interacts with Athanasia through Anastacius after the meetings with the nobles. Despite his desire to crush her, Aeternitas perceives Athanasia's mana as outstanding, making her the ideal body for him to possess. However, he is unable to do so as he failed to break her properly.


Aeternitas was able to use his descendant as a vessel to execute his plans, even demonstrating a degree of control over the body as he successfully conversed through it.[5] As the most powerful emperor recorded in history, Aeternitas’ age somehow exceeded ordinary life expectancy. He had conducted several impressive magical feats such as cursing inanimate objects, brainwashing people, and even sustaining himself outside of Anastacius’ body.[10]


They do say blood is thicker than water.

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia, Episode 82

It would be a true blessing to have a family you could share endless love and trust with.

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia, Episode 82

If someone is worthy of the throne, the amount of mana is of little significance.

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia, Episode 83

What are you doing? Hurry up and kill her. I’ll lend you my powers. Are you hesitating again?

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia, Episode 84

I shouldn’t have left it to Anastacius after all.

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia, Episode 85

Well, aren’t you clever? You’ve made it easier to escape this body. Thanks for that.

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia, Episode 85

I must avoid meeting Lucas here. He might figure out who “I” am.

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia, Episode 88

Lucas likes people who are remarkable. No wonder he keeps her close to him. I want to crush her. That body would‘ve been perfect to possess, if I had been able to... But it’ll be much harder now since I failed to destroy it properly.

Aeternitas de Alger Obelia, Episode 89


  • The name Aeternitas derives from ancient Roman religion meaning “eternity”.
    • Aeternitas was the divine personification of eternity. She was particularly associated with Imperial cult as a virtue of the deified emperor (divus).[16]
  • The last name Obelia is of Greek origin, meaning “pillar of strength” or “needle.”[17]


  • Aeternitas is mentioned several times throughout the series before making an official appearance in Episode 78 in a flashback of Lucas's past.
  • In Episode 82 and Episode 83, Aeternitas was revealed to be the hooded figure from Anastacius’ past.
  • The male equivalent of Aeternitas is Aion, the god of unbound time, the celestial spheres, and the Zodiac.[16]

List of Appearances




Royalty Athanasia de Alger ObeliaClaude de Alger ObeliaAnastacius de Alger ObeliaJennette MargaritaAeternitas de Alger ObeliaKyilum de Alger ObeliaEmpress
Nobility Ijekiel AlpheusRoger AlpheusFelix RobaneLilian YorkPenelope JudithRosalia
Magicians LucasLucas's Instructor
Commoners DianaHannahCesRavenClaude’s mother
Season 1 01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546
Season 2 4748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767779798081
Season 3 828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125